God's Healing

On March 22, 2019, I went to a beach and all of a sudden there were whole bunch of itchy swellings came up on my left leg in addition to the ones I got when I was attending a gathering indoor. There were no mosquitoes at the beach at all. All those swellings came with a couple of bright red scratches out of no where. A couple days later, one of the swellings turned into a big pustle. I could not be able to walk properly because I worried about scratching the wound, making it worse and getting an infection. After the scab was formed, I worried about tearing the scab and affecting the healing process and that was why I was limping for a while. And currently, the scar is pink and big. I do not know if it will be permanent. I would like it to go away of course. Well it totally depends on God now. And I thank Him for His healing
