
The psycho attackers/ weapons induced involuntary urination repeatedly throughout the night and early in the morning. This is not the first time, they have been doing it almost every month when I have my period for a while now. My left hand middle finger (the hand that has been having the bump, caused also by the attack long time ago, at the middle of the back of the wrist) has weakness and numbness after I used my left hand. This was the first time I realized it happened. Please pray that Our Heavenly Father will cure me and eliminate the weapons permanently. Thank you.

Just now they put whole bunch of itchy swelling on my face like what they did last year around the same time on my body. Please pray that God Our Heavenly Father will stop them. Thanks.

Just now they put whole bunch of itchy swelling on my face like what they did last year around the same time on my body. Please pray that God Our Heavenly Father will stop them. Thanks.

The attackers said they made me ugly so that I could find my true love. I do not need their help to find true love. God will send me. I think I may get killed by them before I can meet him because they are hurting my body as well. And what about my next generations, will I possible to have my own healthy children, I doubt it if they constantly hurting me and exposing me to radiation through the weapons. I want to keep myself pretty for my true love. I believe my future husband is a good man and he deserves to have a pretty wife. And I mentioned before I wanted to be a model. I still want my keep a pretty face in case I need to make a living using it. They are trying to ruin my career, my marriage and possibly my offspring. If I am not healthy, how can I even raise my kids. Most importantly, my body is God's temple, He created it and made it into His masterpiece. The attackers violated and vandalized it on regular basis. They are working against God Our Heavenly Father.

The attackers also put a swelling on my left cheekbone and several multiple spots on my face. They itched my face in multiple spots when I was sleeping. Please pray in Jesus Christ Mighty Name that God will tie down the attackers permanently so he/she or they cannot do harm to anyone anymore. And please pray that the satanic weapons will be eliminated permanently. Thanks a lot.

The psycho attackers put two new moles next to my left eye, one under my right eye and one above my mouth on the left side.

I think the attackers made the wounds on my feet worse since last night. They were pink before but earlier today, they turned bright red. Please pray in Jesus Christ Mighty Name to eliminate these satanic weapons globally. Thank you.

The life destroyers do not let me work, do not give me money, steal from me, damage my belongings, when God and some kind people finally give me a little bit of stuff once in a long while, The life destroyers, who have regular (sometimes high) incomes, call me selfish when I eat and use the donated stuff that is barely enough for me, the zero-income-long-term-unemployed-beggar me.

The attackers put some new bites on my neck behind my left ear.

They put new bumps on my forehead and my right cheek and currently they are hurting my left knee joint, again.

The attackers kept waking me up through out my sleep again last night and today by loud noises, making my face itchy, contracting my muscles or moving my body. Then they induced bowel movement and made me go to the bathroom. Lack of sleep hurts peoples' health especially their brains.

Please pray that God will remove the spots the attacks put on my face, especially the 2 big spots right next to the bottom my nose In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. One on each side. The attacker likes symmetry. Thanks a lot.

The attacks have put more bites on my body parts including right small finger, breasts, thighs and face. They make me sneeze, and itchy nose on regular basis. Like a couple of days ago, they gave me running nose for 12 hours. I used up my tissue papers and my towels were all soaked. And they have been electronically manipulating my vagina (electronic rape) every night and sometimes day for several years now. And there were many times, the attacks gave me severe pain in my teeth, organs in including my kidneys, ovaries and uterus. It was so painful that I thought I was dying and I had to call the police to temporarily stop them.Oh by the way, the moment I logged in and start typing, my neighbors came out and talked in the corridor again. It happens all the time. Lots of times when I walked close the the door , they came out and made noise. Several times, I could not get into my apartment, instead of helping, they were laughing loudly. They exposed what I had been doing in my private times and spaces. More than one of them from different apartments on my floor were doing that. Today I prayed that the evil spirits or demons would be cast out from them and and gotten tied up. And just now, the attacks are making my forehead and face itchy. Other than from the psychotronic weapon hurting me remotely, visible and touchable people have been physically hurting my body, ruining my belongings and stealing from me. They have been stalking me, monitoring me and spreading rumors about me. Also the Bible says satan is the father of lies. In the "game/attacks", they kept sending voices saying they are going to hire me, they are going to give me lots of money, they love me and want to marry me, they are bringing me to other countries to travel etc. But those people never show up in person and they never give me anything in reality. They just try to trick my brain and give me false hopes. And if other people hear them, those people will think that these "game" is really helping me out and the real people refuse to help me. The "game" has been spreading rumors that I am rich. I am still unemployed and poor and people are still trying to trick me for more money. I do not know, my friend said even my current school has been doing the same thing. That is what they do, do not mind their own business and try to hurt, irritate me and ruin my life continuously. If possible I hope that God will transfer me to a much better school and send me to a really good teaching hospital to finish my education and training for free. I want to get my license in no time because I have been trying to get that since 2008 and because of all the obstacles, I lost hope, lots of money, time and motivation. I feel so sad and trapped and cried many times because of that. Now I feel like I have no way out other than Heaven. On top of the 800000HKD in total I have to pay, my school wants me to retake a 4000USD (32000HKD) online course, some other paid mock exam and I have to pay account reactivation fee of 1000USD (8000HKD) in order to let me continue. Some random strangers even told me that they want me dead or to kill myself. As what a pastor said, demons and demon-possessed people hate God and God's creations and try to ruin us. But those evil beings forget that they were also created by God originally but they just rebel against Him and that is why they become so evil. Please continue to pray that all these destructive and violent demons and evil spirits will leave all those human bodies and remove God's enemies and their attacks from the lives of us especially from the brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you very much and God bless.

The running nose has been going go since I woke up today. It is 23℃ and I do not even feel cold. I can feel the wave of stirs inside my nose when I touch it with my fingers. It is from the psychotronic attacks. Please pray in Jesus's Name that it will stop.

The attacks have been hurting my left knee joint again since last night on and off until now. They have no authority over my body. Our Heavenly Father is the Only One who has the authority. I belong to Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit. Please pray that God will eliminate them from my life or even from the universe permanently in Jesus Christ's Mighty Name. Thanks

Burn it

They kept making me want to go to bathroom when I slept

Somebody stole 1000HKD worth of Wellcome coupons that my father gave me.

They put a scratch and a bite on my right foot today

The attacks just induced my urethra to urinate without me being able to control it