Same old same old

The attacks have been quiet down for a couple of days. Thanks for your prayers. 

Last night I felt waves of "energy" surrounding my right leg. They put one imitated bite on my right leg and hurt my ankle a little bit. Then I started moving around, prayed against it in Jesus Name and covered myself up. They started to send me sound of  a mosquito. I turned on the light and found an insect, not really a mosquito, standing still on the wall. So I killed it just in case, it did not have blood in it. I went back to sleep. After a while, they started to send me voices saying that they found out I liked this guy then they forced his images into my mind.  Then the voice said that I also like this other guy.....etc. Afterwards they sent me a dream telling me that I should watch pornography, then I thought why not. The actors were the ones sinning against God if they were not married, not me...I was just watching them. I did not commit adultery. But then I thought if I watched them meant that I was encouraging them to sin. So I decided not to. But at the same time, they were manipulating my private area, then I told them, now that was adultery. They did not stop though. 

Other than that, I slept pretty well last night. Praise God.
