Still need your prayers

This is a recovering wound I got from the attack on March 21, 2019. It started as a swelling with whole bunch of other ones. Then this one turned into a pustule, now this is how it looks like. 


See the bump on my wrist? It has been there for more than a year. It used to cause me pain and it left about a year ago after many people prayed for me. However it came back right after I shared the healing testimony with brothers and sisters at my church. That is why I think this attack is satanic. Some people said it was a cyst, some said it was inflamed. This is from the attack and it looks like my wrist is broken and it causes a little bit of pain when I bend it.

Please continue to pray for my healing, my protection and the destruction of the weapons. Please pray that God will stop the attackers very soon. I am not the only victim in this world. 
Thanks and God bless.
