Someone broke into my rental place, stole my disk from my camera, photoshopped (I do not have photoshop) the pictures and made them ugly, then put the disk back into my camera. Also my plants have been damaged again yesterday by the newly implanted worms and it took me a while again to kill the larvae. Please pray that no one including non-human can come into my place nor destroy, steal, damage, manipulate my belongings anymore. Please pray that Heavenly Father will make them to repay me seven times of the things and good qualities and labor times that they stole and whatever else God thinks they should repay me. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. 香港有咁多呢啲人存在,唔怪得攪極都咁霉啦,等我好之前仲嚮啲美國人外國人面前喺咁讚香港人有道德觀念尊重人權,真喺好失望,唔知佢哋喺俾鬼上身,迫害基督徒,ABC做漢奸特登整衰香港,抑或我離開之後香港嘅公民教育突然取消改課程呢?佢哋犯緊法呢樣嘢都無謂多講嘞,佢哋依家真喺連我嚮幼稚園學同爸爸媽媽教點樣做人尊重人嘅基本常識都冇,我真喺唔知可以再講啲乜,唔通世界末日就嚟嚟,由香港開始?
