Stop coming into my rental place without my permission. Even my family who paid for my rent and utilities respects my human rights and privacy, they ask me for permission and give me advance notice before they come in. You come into my place freely to steal and damage my belongings. Who do you think you are? Even the landlord is supposed to have proper reasons and advance notice before he or she can come in. You as human beings do not even know what human rights and privacy are, be ashamed of yourselves, those are just basic knowledge. Are you trying to turn this place into those countries that are ruled by dictators and murder people like nothing? Please study in details about human rights and privacy rights, they are free and everywhere on the internet. If you violate those rights even if you know them, you are non-ethical, immoral people and become the tools of the devil. 如沒有我的批准,切勿再進入我租住之單位,連幫我交租交水電的家人也尊重我私隱,要問准我才能進來,你們以為自己是誰,於我家自出自入,破壞及偷竊。業主也不例外,必須有適當之理由跟預先通知才可進來。你們身為人類如連基本的人權私隱權也不知道是甚麼,是件羞恥的事,這跟那些獨裁國家草菅人命嘅國家有甚麼分別?請好好鑽研人權私隱權為何事,網上資料多的是,免費的。如明知故犯,那就是為背良心,天地不容,成為魔鬼嘅工具。
