The following is part of the email I sent to someone who is trying to help me: I heard someone outside the moment I woke up today, and then I saw a cockroach closed to where the entrance is..Plus remember last time I told you I killed whole bunch of them and the biggest one escaped, maybe it is still alive. That is all I can say about the cockroach. I have been living here for almost 2 years, this couple of months is the first time I see cockroach. The first time I saw was outside my apartment climbing on the wall when I walked out not long ago. Then I started seeing more of them inside my place. We found a small one in one of my shopping bag for clothing, there were no food in it, and there were lots of feces all over that bag that I had to throw it away. That was the time when the stove was broken and we had to find the fuse box to fix it, that specific bag was stored at that spot, again, that spot had no food in it either. I am living on high floor and it is kind of hard for insects to climb or fly up that high unless somebody planted them. Well I grew up in HK and I saw many cockroaches since I was small on the street or at restaurant, so, whatever. Hopefully they won't steal my food, coz I almost ran out of it. Those bites itches but not much pain. They came simultaneously. And the itches came in waves like someone shooting some radiation towards specific spots on my body to induce swellings, redness and itchiness. It comes and goes. Some of the bites leave scars though and sometimes the psycho attackers turned them into pustules. Seeing doctors are expensive, and I do not know if they can do anything about it. Coz we as victims usually look normal on the outside, they just sent us voices and hurt our body in .secret. When the doctor cannot find out what is going on, they may diagnose that you have mental health problems. Because medical school does not have psychotronic weapons included in their syllabus. And they even monitor our thoughts, speeches, hearings and visions and that can affect our lives because they publicized them or I should say the tech allows random people invading into my privacy. I really wants to get rid of it but I cannot. One of the things that the doctors maybe able to help is to find the possible implant or microchip in our body. Some of the tech attack victims have microchips planted in them. But the tech is so advance I do not know if they still need a microchip nowadays. That is all I can tell you for now. Talk to you soon. Thanks for your help. Beside the information in the above email, I also think that people maybe using black magic against me. The voices they sent me told me at the beginning that they were from Free Mason and the level 33 of Free Mason actually worships Satan the devil. And of course later, the voices also told me that they were satanists. But they also told me that they were from my church. And they use the voices of celebrities, the people I know and people I do not know. But the cruelty and cunning I have experienced from them, no matter what they claimed themselves to be, are satanic, maybe they have been controlled by the devil. Please check out the following link, other than the psychotronic attack list, the black magic consequences also match a lot of what I have been experiencing. The signs of Black Magic Please pray that the psychotronic weapons, gang-stalking, black magic, basically any works of and from the devils and their helpers will be eliminated from my life and from the universe, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.
