These psycho attackers have been stealing and robbing from me; slandering me; hurting and itching my body; disturbing my sleeps; induced involuntary running nose, urination and defecation to make me lose water and nutrients; electronically raping me; putting bites, scratches, moles, bumps, lumps, induced pigmentation, wounds and scars on my body. I asked God to cast him away, knock him down and lock him up. You want to kill me? Not that easy! My life is eternal because I believe in Jesus Christ! If you do not believe me, ask God our Heavenly Father!!! 呢啲電子襲擊人士/怪獸從我身上又偷又搶,冤枉我,令我又痛又痕,不讓我睡覺,電子強姦我,將假蟲咬痕、癦痣、斑點、腫脹處、像腫瘤的東西、𠝹傷、傷口、疤痕加在我身上。我求上帝將它們趕走,打低鎖起它們。想殺我?冇咁易。因為我信主耶穌,我條命喺永恆的,唔信你問吓上帝啦!!!
