我住嘅單位天花板有兩個大窿,都喺有板遮住,冇鎖的,推開塊板有啲喉管機器嘅範圍,人喺可以爬入去嘅,如果呢個空間同隔離相通,啲破壞者/賊可以隨時爬到入我屋,唔洗開阿,唔洗偷密碼,我試過聽到類似cable拖行聲嚮我厕所假天花裏面傳出嚟,我當時諗喺樓上鄰居發出聲音,我唔敢肯定咩回事,如果假天花相通,或俾人開窿,單位同單位之間或同隔離房間假天花一定唔可以相通,如要相通,假花通往單位塊板一定要上鎖或封住,以免有人入屋爆竊破下壞。 If the false ceiling or attic at my apartment is connected to the ones next door, people can just climb in without going through any lock or door. The board on the false ceiling is easily open and without lock. If it is connected, I hope the area above the false ceiling is independent for each apartment or room in the building to prevent any burglars climb or crawl into my rental apartment. And the board opening to the attic must be locked or sealed.

Things that have been stolen 被偷嘢清單
