一個反叛期接近更年期嘅中年女人捱咗咁多年,唔想再捱喇! 唔知冇仔女冇老公享唔享到清福嘅呢?真喺冇陰功,已經無兒無女無工無老公,連啱啱夠買個木箱嘅棺材本都俾人偷,咁嚟害個阿婆,仲俾嗰D污糟嘢挍到又痕又痛冇撻好肉,連思想都要俾人監察控制,折墮囉! 唔知我D人權去曬邊呢?唔知我仲算唔算喺人呢? 唔洗舉頭三尺呀,周圍都有上帝睇住佢哋做衰嘢嫁! Boo Me! A middle aged woman who is still in the middle of rebellious period and closed to menopause. I don't want to suffer anymore, I've had enough. I'm just wondering if I can live a comfy life without children, husband nor income. The worse thing is the money just enough to buy my coffin is stolen, so if you see my dead body on the street, don't be surprised. Those psycho attackers even add to it and make me itchy and painful with bumpy spotty skin. They even monitor my thoughts and completely remove my human rights. Am I still a human being? I'm so confused. But God is watching, so I think I'll be alright eventually when I go to Heaven.
