加多句,如果你哋想擁有植物你未去街巿買番屋企種囉,最近嘅紅磡同土瓜灣街市都有得賣,洗咩妒忌到破壞同偷我嗰D嗟。仲有你擅自入嚟我老豆租嘅私人地方,包括露台,偷緊我哋地方用喎,如果開埋冷氣同用水,都喺偷喎,唔只得罪我,仲得罪埋我一家人喎,你伸嘢入嚟我露台搞都喺偷地方用喎,偷嘢同破壞別人物品唔啱幼稚園學生都識啦,唔啱都照做,浪費香港9年免費教育喎,納稅人嘅錢嚟嫁噃。我啲道德觀念都如喺嚮嗰到學番嚟,仲有我老豆老母悉心教導同埋上帝嘅話語,例如聖經經節,都喺教偷嘢破壞別人財物喺唔啱嫁喎,唔通你阿爸阿媽老師教嘅嘢唔同? One more point, if you want to own plants, you can go to the nearest markets like Hung Hom Market and To Kwa Wan Market to buy them home and grow them yourself. You do not have to be so jealous to damage, kill and do whole bunch of destructions to my belongings. You come into the apartment including the balcony my dad rents for me is stealing places to use which also mean you are stealing the rents from my dad. If you use the air conditioning, light and water, you are stealing our utility money. You are not only wronging me when you do that, you are wronging my whole family. When you stick something into our balcony to do damages, you are stealing our space for your own purposepurposes as well. Even a kindergarten pupil knows stealing and damaging other peoples' belongings are wrong, you do the wrong things on purpose is a waste of that Hong Kong 9 years free education. What you have been doing is a waste of tax payers' money. I learned my moral standards from that 9 years as well. Why are mine so different from yours? Just wondering. The Bible, my mom and dad also taught me the same standards. How about you?

被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold
