Somebody broke into my rental place, damaged my bag by cutting pieces off, then they put a purple rusty thumbtack through the bag with white fabrics on and left dark brown stains on the fabrics. Please pray that nobody will come into my living place, steal from me nor damage my belongings anymore. Please also pray that the people who did that will have to return 7 folds of what they have stolen and damaged. The returned goods have to be brand new with good qualities and non-damaged. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you 真喺好似巫婆巫師落降頭咁,好陰毒。

This is the rusty thumbtack that the burglar(s) used to poke through my bag and stained its white fabrics. They even tried to manipulate the fabrics of my bag and tried to cover the thumbtack. Somebody said maybe they wanted me to poke myself accidentally with the rusty metal and need a tetanus shot.
