The people (most likely my neighbors) knocked off in total 7 baby lemons from my plant. They put at least 2 cockroaches into the balcony of my living place last night. When I went out to check on my plants last night, the psycho attackers put 2 huge induced bites on my right arm with irregular edges. In conclusion the psycho attackers work together with people around me to attack me and ruin my life in different ways. They have to repay me with a total of 49 lemons (7 times) alive on and with the plant immediately. And whatever cost it takes for the recovery of the injuries they have done on my body, they have to return 7 times as well. They stole my health. This rule has been in the Bible for thousands of years. 精神電子攻擊者及鄰居們及所有有份參與襲擊我行動嘅犯罪集團,你們沒有權進入我的住所,包括露台,沒有權對我的財物植物做任何東西,更沒有 權破壞及偷取我財物植物任何部份,這是刑事罪行要坐監的,你們得罪我,亦得罪上帝,我所擁有的都是上帝所賜,你們一共最少打落殺死7個小檸檬,請償還49個活生生留在樹上的檸檬,偷走破壞長大了的檸檬上的汁同皮(需要還七倍完整樹上嘅大檸檬,偷去的葉,七倍奉還,殺死4盤植物及所有破壞,在我家偷去破壞袋,鎖匙扣,襪,胸圍,食物,金錢,膠紙,禮卷等等,七倍奉還我的損失。損害我身體,最少七倍奉還我康復的所需。你們多年來一直在偷我的私人資料,侵犯我知識產權,所覓到金錢得益及導致我的損失,七倍奉還。十誡裏你們犯了偷盜,貪婪,殺人(傷人), 姦淫,如果你拜其他東西包括金錢,犯了第一誡(拜偶像),請悔改信耶穌,不然你哋會進入永死。如果你話信咗,咁嘅嘢都做得出,根本不是真心信,反省吓,同上帝有個交代,唔喺真心信都會進入永死。多謝合作。

被偷嘢清單,賊要七倍償還 Return Sevenfold
