This morning when it was still dark, those psychotronic attackers used 林海峰's voice to ask me something about will, maybe they were thinking that I was dying. I said,' I do not have anything to share with you, do you want a piece of lemon peel?' But then I thought I might be so hungry that I might have to eat up even the lemon peel. So I asked whether he wanted the dead skin on my feet, he did not respond. I guessed they were not satisfied with my offer, so I told them,' You should ask Bill Gates, 李嘉誠 or the boss of Amazon, how am I supposed to know anything about will? 'Also I told them,'You should also ask the Indian Billionaire on Forbes, he is also one of the richest person in the world, I heard that the house he is living is the most expensive house in the world. The housing is so expensive in Hong Kong, it will be very helpful if he is willing to offer a room for you to live. ' Then I asked him,'How's 彭羚 (林海峰's wife) doing? How's 彭羚's voice doing?' By the way, maybe the psychotronic attackers are trying to kill me, do you think so? Then I found out this morning that they put whole bunch of worms on my plant again to eat up the leaves, maybe they want to kill me and kill my plant as well just because it is convenient. Afterwards, the psycho attackers used Eminem's voice (they have been using his voice for 3 years) told me that the whole world was praying against me. I am wondering what did he mean by "the whole world"? Did he referred to the followers of satan, lucifer, anti-Christ? Were they praying to those devil? Were those not curses or witchcraft? So they acted like witches and wizards. Am I Snow White then? 今朝天未光啲電子精神攻擊者又有把好似林海峰嘅聲音問我啲遺產點喎,佢哋可能認為我就嚟死啦,我又冇咩分到俾佢,咁咪話分塊檸檬皮問佢要唔要囉,然後諗吓可能我到時會饑餓到檸檬皮都食埋,於是我又問分塊腳皮你要唔要呀,佢又唔出聲,咁即喺唔滿意啦,我未叫佢遺產嘅嘢你問Bill Gates啦,或者問李嘉誠啦,Amazon 個老闆都得咖,遺產嘅嘢我點知咁多炙,仲有個印度富豪喺 Forbes 嗰度揾到,都喺全世界最有錢嘅人嚟㗎,佢住嗰間屋聽講喺全世界最貴咖,香港啲樓咁貴,叫佢分間房嚟住吓都好吖。跟住我又問佢阿彭羚幾好嘛? 跟住我又問佢阿彭羚把聲幾好嘛?。。。話時話,唔知佢哋喺咪想殺死我呢?仲有呀,今朝又發現佢哋加咗成咋蟲響我棵植物度咬爛啲葉,可能想殺死我順便殺埋我啲植物啦,跟住又有把好似Eminem(三年嚟都用緊佢把聲)嘅聲用英文同我講話全世界都祈禱同我作對喎,唔知佢所謂全世界喺咪撒旦Lucifer敵基督嘅跟隨者呢?佢哋唔知喺咪向魔鬼祈禱呢?咁咪即喺咀咒?乜咁似巫婆巫師嘅,咁我喺咪白雪公主呀?
