
Someone broke into my rental place, stole my disk from my camera, photoshopped (I do not have photoshop) the pictures and made them ugly, then put the disk back into my camera. Also my plants have been damaged again yesterday by the newly implanted worms and it took me a while again to kill the larvae. Please pray that no one including non-human can come into my place nor destroy, steal, damage, manipulate my belongings anymore. Please pray that Heavenly Father will make them to repay me seven times of the things and good qualities and labor times that they stole and whatever else God thinks they should repay me. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. 香港有咁多呢啲人存在,唔怪得攪極都咁霉啦,等我好之前仲嚮啲美國人外國人面前喺咁讚香港人有道德觀念尊重人權,真喺好失望,唔知佢哋喺俾鬼上身,迫害基督徒,ABC做漢奸特登整衰香港,抑或我離開之後香港嘅公民教育突然取消改課程呢?佢哋犯緊法呢樣嘢都無謂多講嘞,佢哋依家真喺連我嚮幼稚園學同爸爸媽媽教點樣做人尊重人嘅基本常識都冇,我真喺唔知可以再講啲乜,唔通世界末日就嚟嚟,由香港開始?


我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: Email

The following is part of the email I sent to someone who is trying to help me: I heard someone outside the moment I woke up today, and then I saw a cockroach closed to where the entrance is..Plus remember last time I told you I killed whole bunch of them and the biggest one escaped, maybe it is still alive. That is all I can say about the cockroach. I have been living here for almost 2 years, this couple of months is the first time I see cockroach. The first time I saw was outside my apartment climbing on the wall when I walked out not long ago. Then I started seeing more of them inside my place. We found a small one in one of my shopping bag for clothing, there were no food in it, and there were lots of feces all over that bag that I had to throw it away. That was the time when the stove was broken and we had to find the fuse box to fix it, that specific bag was stored at that spot, again, that spot had no food in it either. I am living on high floor and it is kind of hard for insects to climb or fly up that high unless somebody planted them. Well I grew up in HK and I saw many cockroaches since I was small on the street or at restaurant, so, whatever. Hopefully they won't steal my food, coz I almost ran out of it. Those bites itches but not much pain. They came simultaneously. And the itches came in waves like someone shooting some radiation towards specific spots on my body to induce swellings, redness and itchiness. It comes and goes. Some of the bites leave scars though and sometimes the psycho attackers turned them into pustules. Seeing doctors are expensive, and I do not know if they can do anything about it. Coz we as victims usually look normal on the outside, they just sent us voices and hurt our body in .secret. When the doctor cannot find out what is going on, they may diagnose that you have mental health problems. Because medical school does not have psychotronic weapons included in their syllabus. And they even monitor our thoughts, speeches, hearings and visions and that can affect our lives because they publicized them or I should say the tech allows random people invading into my privacy. I really wants to get rid of it but I cannot. One of the things that the doctors maybe able to help is to find the possible implant or microchip in our body. Some of the tech attack victims have microchips planted in them. But the tech is so advance I do not know if they still need a microchip nowadays. That is all I can tell you for now. Talk to you soon. Thanks for your help. Beside the information in the above email, I also think that people maybe using black magic against me. The voices they sent me told me at the beginning that they were from Free Mason and the level 33 of Free Mason actually worships Satan the devil. And of course later, the voices also told me that they were satanists. But they also told me that they were from my church. And they use the voices of celebrities, the people I know and people I do not know. But the cruelty and cunning I have experienced from them, no matter what they claimed themselves to be, are satanic, maybe they have been controlled by the devil. Please check out the following link, other than the psychotronic attack list, the black magic consequences also match a lot of what I have been experiencing. The signs of Black Magic Please pray that the psychotronic weapons, gang-stalking, black magic, basically any works of and from the devils and their helpers will be eliminated from my life and from the universe, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 除蟲

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 救植

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 毀證

The moment I woke up, a girl's voice from the outside said that in Cantonese 'she finally turned on her light', then she said,' she put whole bunch of stuff in front of her door so that we can't go in. ' 今日我一起身有把女聲嚮出面話:『佢終於開燈嘞。』然後又話:『佢擺咗好多嘢喺道門度等我哋入唔到。』

I am a vegetable because you are what you eat. I ran out of it though so I may turn into garbage. Help! I grow roots and I cannot leave my place. Also it is because the burglars visit consistently. Milk Meat and Veggies are the food that I need. I cannot make money and I cannot pay tuition. School wants me to resume and pay in full soon. I am very unready due to my studies and money. Please pray that I can have OnTheJobTraining, Free Education, No Expense until I am licensed. Please pray that I can do great to glorify God. I need a bigger private and secure place to live. So no one can come in without my permission. So I will have enough space to store my stuff. So I will not bump into things or get injured. So no one will disturb me with bugs or noise. So no theft or robbery will happen to me again. So I can go out any time and as long as I want. Please pray to God for me regarding the above. Pray in Jesus Christ Mighty Name and Amen it. Thank you all my brothers and sisters in Christ.

The psycho attackers do not even let me open the window to let in some fresh air. I am living on high floor and almost every time I open the window, they put whole bunch of bites and itchy swellings on my skin even when there is no mosquito. Ants and flies in Hong Kong do not bite humans. Please pray that God will cast them away and destroy all those satanic organizations and helpers from the universe. Please pray that God will knock them down and tie them up so that all the victims and I can do things with God's free will without getting tortured and bothered by them in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.


我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 毛巾

Someone broke into my place and make a big black mark on my Melody key chain. They have done similar thing before to my suitcase. Since they stole the quality of my belonging, please pray to God to force them to return seven times of what they stole and damaged, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. They also made the metal part of my hair ties rusty. I stored my key chain and my hair ties in a sealed dry box, I suspected that they put water on them. One of my needle in the needle box also got rusty. Again the needles have been stored in a dry needle box. Before, they broke my Melody rabbit shaped decoration from one of my plastic tiaras, I stored them in a thick bag and I was sure I did not break it. They also broke one hair clamp that my sister gave me. They put a big hole on my white dress, damaged my bras and stole my socks. They cracked one of my glass plate before and put a big spot of black ink on my computer. They stole 1000 dollars supermarket coupons from me and 1000 dollars supermarket coupons in another time. They stole around 2000 cash with my Octopus card and Melody cover another time. They stole 2 of my towels. The above are just the things that I figured out they stole and damaged, possibly more. Since they stole the qualities and damaged my belongings, please ask God to force them returning seven folds of what they stole, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. Also please pray that no one can come into my rental apartment anymore without my permission and no one can steal and damage my belongings anymore , in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. So far I only allow my family to come over provided that they notify me ahead of time. Thank you for your prayers. The enemies come to steal, kill and destroy and I can see those behaviors from these invaders.

The psycho attackers put a skin tag on my shoulder blade. They also put moles, spots, scabs, discolorations and scars on my thighs and different part of my body. Please pray that God will remove all of them and heal my skin to make it smooth and clear again in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

The psycho attackers put a new spot possibly mole higher up than the other induced one on my left thigh. Please pray that God will remove it and will not let anyone damage my body anymore in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

Someone came in and turned my clock back for 1 hour, not the first time. They opened the washer door, I did not even open it after it finished the cycle. Please pray that these criminals and suspects will stop coming into my place; stop stealing and damaging my belongings and electronics; and stop putting insects into my place in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

Stop coming into my rental place without my permission. Even my family who paid for my rent and utilities respects my human rights and privacy, they ask me for permission and give me advance notice before they come in. You come into my place freely to steal and damage my belongings. Who do you think you are? Even the landlord is supposed to have proper reasons and advance notice before he or she can come in. You as human beings do not even know what human rights and privacy are, be ashamed of yourselves, those are just basic knowledge. Are you trying to turn this place into those countries that are ruled by dictators and murder people like nothing? Please study in details about human rights and privacy rights, they are free and everywhere on the internet. If you violate those rights even if you know them, you are non-ethical, immoral people and become the tools of the devil. 如沒有我的批准,切勿再進入我租住之單位,連幫我交租交水電的家人也尊重我私隱,要問准我才能進來,你們以為自己是誰,於我家自出自入,破壞及偷竊。業主也不例外,必須有適當之理由跟預先通知才可進來。你們身為人類如連基本的人權私隱權也不知道是甚麼,是件羞恥的事,這跟那些獨裁國家草菅人命嘅國家有甚麼分別?請好好鑽研人權私隱權為何事,網上資料多的是,免費的。如明知故犯,那就是為背良心,天地不容,成為魔鬼嘅工具。

God really listen to prayers. Last night I saw this mosquito which bothered me for a while and I could not catch it. So I prayed to God last when I went to bed. Today, I caught and killed it red mouthed and red bodied when it stung me. But the interesting thing was these two days, I heard the sound, saw the bug flew by, but then there were itchy bite-like bumps on my face where it was covered by my hand and or my pillow. Is that mosquito a ghost or something that it could pass through walls? Or is it because the psycho attackers tried to cover up what they had done so they let me see real one? But according to what I read on the internet, people have been using insects as weapons to attack their enemies. Maybe I am satan's enemy and that was the reason satan's helpers attacked me with insects上帝真喺聽祈禱的,尋晚見到有隻蚊,我拍嚟拍去都拍唔到,瞓覺時祈禱,今日就喺佢咬我時拍死咗佢。不過好奇怪嘅喺呢一兩日,聽到聲,有蟲飛過,之後竟然嚮我塊面貼住隻手又或者貼住枕頭嗰個位生咗粒粒痕嘢,好似蚊𧕴咁,唔通啲蚊識穿牆過壁?唔知佢哋喺咪想掩飾所以俾隻真嘅我睇呢?不過我又睇過網上話打仗嗰陣時有人已經用昆蟲嚟做武器襲擊敵人,可能我喺撒旦嘅敵人,所以佢啲助手用昆蟲嚟襲擊我。

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 紅日

The attackers stole 2 pink buttons from my shirt when they broke in.

The psycho attacks put another spot on my left thigh next to the previous one. I hope that God will remove all the induced spots and scars supernaturally, if not, I would like God to force the attackers to pay for all the removals.

Someone came into my place and switched my foldable hairdryer to an unfoldable one. 有人爆格入屋同偷嘢,將我個可接埋嘅風筒換咗個接唔埋嘅。

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 靈戰

It had been sunny the whole day, and as I told people that I needed to walk for more than an hour to go home, during that conversation that lady asked me why I did not take transportation, she said it was not that expensive, she also said what if it rained. I said I guessed it would not. Then it suddenly started pouring and whole bunch of people were following me around. I was carrying a lot of things without an umbrella. A voice was using the same excuse saying they wanted to see if my things were treated. Before there were two girls kept trying to do things to the back pack I was carrying, they bumped onto it. And as I avoided them they stood there and waited for me to turn around so that they could do it again. They just wanted to damage my stuff and when it was not successful they used other methods. I heard that there is weather control in this world. So.......

Somebody turned my clock back for one hour and broke the stove at my rental place, I used it just the day before. When I stayed home all day, nothing like that happened. After I went out, all these weird stuff happened several days in a roll, cockroaches crawling around, alarm clock adjusted, stove top broken, things got stolen and damaged . I already told the building management/ security about it before to pay attention to my apartment, still did not work. Those have been problems since I moved in in 2018, one time when they happened, my neighbor said the stuff I bought were too pretty, the other one said outside of my door that "Hong Kong is so messy right now, it is not uncommon for people to steal things from our homes". One time a guy said outside "I told you not to mess with her stuff", "she already complained to the security". The other time a guy said "we are going to harass you until you leave this place", The girl also said once "she already called the police" etc.etc. 唔知點解,鬧鐘俾人教慢咗成個鐘,屋企個爐頭壞咗,之前個日仲好地地的。平時全日留嚮屋企都冇事,出完街就搞成咁,曱甴、鬧鐘、壞爐頭、仲有偷竊破壞財物等等連續發生,我已經叫看更幫我留意留意,都冇用,照搞。 之前屋企俾人搞同偷嘢,啲鄰居響出面話我買啲嘢太靚,另一個話而家香港咁亂,俾人偷入屋偷嘢有咩出奇。有一次有條友嚮出面話"叫咗你/妳唔好搞佢啲嘢㗎啦,佢同個看更投訴我哋呀",仲有一次一個男嘅話"搞到你走為止", 另一次個女嘅話"佢已經報咗警"等等等等。

The satanic psycho attackers are the sources of bad smells. 啲撒旦派嚟嘅精神病電子襲擊者是臭的。

Someone came into my place and stole five of my socks (from what I know) from the washer. They steal again. Some of my underwear were damaged as well. I do not know if it was the same people who were doing them. I have washed those bras multiple times and there was no problem before. But this time, my sock was stolen and two of my underwear were damaged.

These psycho attackers have been stealing and robbing from me; slandering me; hurting and itching my body; disturbing my sleeps; induced involuntary running nose, urination and defecation to make me lose water and nutrients; electronically raping me; putting bites, scratches, moles, bumps, lumps, induced pigmentation, wounds and scars on my body. I asked God to cast him away, knock him down and lock him up. You want to kill me? Not that easy! My life is eternal because I believe in Jesus Christ! If you do not believe me, ask God our Heavenly Father!!! 呢啲電子襲擊人士/怪獸從我身上又偷又搶,冤枉我,令我又痛又痕,不讓我睡覺,電子強姦我,將假蟲咬痕、癦痣、斑點、腫脹處、像腫瘤的東西、𠝹傷、傷口、疤痕加在我身上。我求上帝將它們趕走,打低鎖起它們。想殺我?冇咁易。因為我信主耶穌,我條命喺永恆的,唔信你問吓上帝啦!!!

The psycho attackers put a patch of bumps on my right arm. They also made my face and different parts on my body itchy, as usual. I did not and never like it, but what can I do? Please pray that God Our Heavenly Father to heal my whole body so it will go back to the healthy condition that God originally designed if not better. Please pray that no one has control over my body anymore without my consent in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you