
Last night when I was sleeping, they came in, took the disk out of my camera and opened all the apps on the phone my family gave me. I do not know if they stole any of my pictures. If they did they have to return 7 times of what I lost.

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 曙光

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 火伴

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 112L

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 神救

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 殺手

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 變形

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: Poke


我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 105L

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 睡爆

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 77L

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 富貴

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: The 2 induced bites I got from the psychotroni...

啱啱發現俾人整裂咗家人借俾我嗰個電話Mon,賠7個smartphone吖麻煩你破壞王,呢個值超過4000HKD的,你可以還現金28000HKD,多謝合作。 The burglars broke the monitor of the smartphone that my family lent me, whoever did that please repay me with 7 of the same kind of phones. You can pay cash if you like, 28000HKD. Thank you for your cooperation.

They plucked out the little new leaves just came out of my plant (different from the one they stole from yesterday) and buried them in the soil. They stole the other parts of the plants and destroyed the things that God gave me. They have been destroying God's creations as well. They have been breathing in the fresh free (to them) oxygen produced by my plants and they have been destroying the things that keep them alive. Photosynthesis has been taught in our elementary school, do not tell me they do not know. P.S. God and me have been using our resources to support them by keeping them alive. And they return our favors with revenges. D攻擊者擇咗啱啱生出嚟嘅BB葉埋葬嚮D泥土度,佢哋偷咗植物其他部份同毁壞緊上帝嘅創造。佢哋呼吸緊由我D植物製造出嚟嘅免費(對佢哋嚟講)清新氧氣,而同時間佢哋殺死緊D維持佢哋生命嘅植物。光合作用喺小學自然科學教的,唔好話俾我聽佢哋唔知。 備註: 換句話說,上帝同我用我哋嘅資源養緊佢哋,維持緊佢哋生命。而佢哋恩將仇報。

加多句,如果你哋想擁有植物你未去街巿買番屋企種囉,最近嘅紅磡同土瓜灣街市都有得賣,洗咩妒忌到破壞同偷我嗰D嗟。仲有你擅自入嚟我老豆租嘅私人地方,包括露台,偷緊我哋地方用喎,如果開埋冷氣同用水,都喺偷喎,唔只得罪我,仲得罪埋我一家人喎,你伸嘢入嚟我露台搞都喺偷地方用喎,偷嘢同破壞別人物品唔啱幼稚園學生都識啦,唔啱都照做,浪費香港9年免費教育喎,納稅人嘅錢嚟嫁噃。我啲道德觀念都如喺嚮嗰到學番嚟,仲有我老豆老母悉心教導同埋上帝嘅話語,例如聖經經節,都喺教偷嘢破壞別人財物喺唔啱嫁喎,唔通你阿爸阿媽老師教嘅嘢唔同? One more point, if you want to own plants, you can go to the nearest markets like Hung Hom Market and To Kwa Wan Market to buy them home and grow them yourself. You do not have to be so jealous to damage, kill and do whole bunch of destructions to my belongings. You come into the apartment including the balcony my dad rents for me is stealing places to use which also mean you are stealing the rents from my dad. If you use the air conditioning, light and water, you are stealing our utility money. You are not only wronging me when you do that, you are wronging my whole family. When you stick something into our balcony to do damages, you are stealing our space for your own purposepurposes as well. Even a kindergarten pupil knows stealing and damaging other peoples' belongings are wrong, you do the wrong things on purpose is a waste of that Hong Kong 9 years free education. What you have been doing is a waste of tax payers' money. I learned my moral standards from that 9 years as well. Why are mine so different from yours? Just wondering. The Bible, my mom and dad also taught me the same standards. How about you?

The people (most likely my neighbors) knocked off in total 7 baby lemons from my plant. They put at least 2 cockroaches into the balcony of my living place last night. When I went out to check on my plants last night, the psycho attackers put 2 huge induced bites on my right arm with irregular edges. In conclusion the psycho attackers work together with people around me to attack me and ruin my life in different ways. They have to repay me with a total of 49 lemons (7 times) alive on and with the plant immediately. And whatever cost it takes for the recovery of the injuries they have done on my body, they have to return 7 times as well. They stole my health. This rule has been in the Bible for thousands of years. 精神電子攻擊者及鄰居們及所有有份參與襲擊我行動嘅犯罪集團,你們沒有權進入我的住所,包括露台,沒有權對我的財物植物做任何東西,更沒有 權破壞及偷取我財物植物任何部份,這是刑事罪行要坐監的,你們得罪我,亦得罪上帝,我所擁有的都是上帝所賜,你們一共最少打落殺死7個小檸檬,請償還49個活生生留在樹上的檸檬,偷走破壞長大了的檸檬上的汁同皮(需要還七倍完整樹上嘅大檸檬,偷去的葉,七倍奉還,殺死4盤植物及所有破壞,在我家偷去破壞袋,鎖匙扣,襪,胸圍,食物,金錢,膠紙,禮卷等等,七倍奉還我的損失。損害我身體,最少七倍奉還我康復的所需。你們多年來一直在偷我的私人資料,侵犯我知識產權,所覓到金錢得益及導致我的損失,七倍奉還。十誡裏你們犯了偷盜,貪婪,殺人(傷人), 姦淫,如果你拜其他東西包括金錢,犯了第一誡(拜偶像),請悔改信耶穌,不然你哋會進入永死。如果你話信咗,咁嘅嘢都做得出,根本不是真心信,反省吓,同上帝有個交代,唔喺真心信都會進入永死。多謝合作。

This is a picture of my plant I took today. And the other plant, after whole bunch of pest damage, one of the branch finally had some healthy leaves growing back yesterday. But today I checked, the whole branch was bare and there was only one small yellowish leave left. They stole whole bunch of my new leaves, again.

我住嘅單位天花板有兩個大窿,都喺有板遮住,冇鎖的,推開塊板有啲喉管機器嘅範圍,人喺可以爬入去嘅,如果呢個空間同隔離相通,啲破壞者/賊可以隨時爬到入我屋,唔洗開阿,唔洗偷密碼,我試過聽到類似cable拖行聲嚮我厕所假天花裏面傳出嚟,我當時諗喺樓上鄰居發出聲音,我唔敢肯定咩回事,如果假天花相通,或俾人開窿,單位同單位之間或同隔離房間假天花一定唔可以相通,如要相通,假花通往單位塊板一定要上鎖或封住,以免有人入屋爆竊破下壞。 If the false ceiling or attic at my apartment is connected to the ones next door, people can just climb in without going through any lock or door. The board on the false ceiling is easily open and without lock. If it is connected, I hope the area above the false ceiling is independent for each apartment or room in the building to prevent any burglars climb or crawl into my rental apartment. And the board opening to the attic must be locked or sealed.

They knocked off another 3 more baby fruits from my plants. They stole the qualities and labor times from me. So another 21 plus the 2 they knocked off yesterday in total of 35 lemons alive on the plant they have to repay me. Heavenly Father , please allow no one to damage, steal or kill Your Property anymore, In Jesus Christ Mighty Name I pray. Amen.

Someone came/ broke into my place, damaged and stole part from one of my bras. They already ruined and stole parts from the other two before. Which means 21 exact same bras the thief has to return to me. Please pray that no one is allowed to come into my living place or steal things anymore. In Jesus Christ Might Name. Thank you.



Because I have been a victim of remote neural monitoring, people have been stealing info from my brain, hearing, vision on regular basis for years, so sevenfold everyone has to pay me. And you know what? As what Jesus has said, go and sin no more! 賊仔賊女們,你哋唔喺唔知咩叫做知識產權吓話?唔好再犯罪喇,撈番正行啦! 如果呢份喺你哋嘅 part-time, quit 咗佢啦,做好D你份FullTime仲好啦,如果你要賺外快幫小朋友補吓習賺錢仲好啦,何必偷同破壞我呢個阿婆嘅嘢呢?我失業咖,有時仲食都冇得食,你哋有錢過我好多啦,唔好再咁貪心同陰毒喇! Proverbs 6:30–31 People do not despise a thief If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, che must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house. 箴言 6:30-31 賊因飢餓偷竊充飢,人不藐視他, 若被找著,他必賠還七倍,必將家中所有的盡都償還。 贼 因 饥 饿 偷 窃 充 饥 , 人 不 藐 视 他 ,若 被 找 着 , 他 必 赔 还 七 倍 , 必 将 家 中 所 有 的 尽 都 偿 还 。

Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house.Someone just knocked off 2 of my baby fruits on the balcony. They have been destroying my plants either by possibly climbing into my balcony from theirs or sticking something down to knock off and destroy. If they can pick lock they may have entered my living place through the balcony that is part of my apartment. And of course they may have entered my apartment through the entrance. I also found some signs of scratches on fruits and leaves. They seemed to done by using sharp objects. They have stolen thousands of dollars, killed 4 of my plants, damaged the alive ones, damaged my belongings inside my apartment. They have balconys on every floor and every apartment in the building. The closest ones are the upstairs, downstairs and next door where the electric room/ garbage room is. Now they are going to have to return 14 of the fruits alive on the plants without coming into my apartment (brand new fruitful plants is an option) and 7 folds of whatever they have stolen and damaged because they have stolen the money, qualities and labor times I have put on my plant. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name I pray. "Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it costs him all the wealth of his house. "(Proverbs 6:31)

The psycho attackers put more marks and mole like objects on my left thigh. Please pray that God will remove them and make my skin smooth and clear. My body is God's Temple and I want to keep it pretty and spotless with no blemish. Please also pray that whoever did that this time or before to repay me 7 folds of what I have lost (the good skin quality) and or the amount I need to fix them. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name I pray. Also people are still stealing my information on regular basis, please pray that that will have to return 7 folds of what they have stolen from me. Please pray that God will eliminate the psychotronic torture, gang-stalking, remote neural monitoring from my life and the universe, as soon as He is possible. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

Someone cut and manipulate my plants so the leaves turned yellow, leaves for a branch totally dried up and died, leaves were cut off and disappeared. The fruit that they poked one hole on before,first they made it bigger, recently they poked two more beside the original hole. Please pray that my plants will grow healthily and strongly. Please pray that no one will manipulate, steal, and destroy my belongings anymore. These plants are the obvious projects between God and me. Without God, they would not even grow. God's enemies are trying to destroy them. Please pray that no one is able to come into any area of the rental apartment my dad paid for anymore without my permission. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

Someone cut and manipulate my plants so the leaves turned yellow, leaves for a branch totally dried up and died, leaves were cut off and disappeared. The fruit that they poked one hole on before,first they made it bigger, recently they poked two more beside the original hole. Please pray that my plants will grow healthily and strongly. Please pray that no one will manipulate, steal, and destroy my belongings anymore. These plants are the obvious projects between God and me. Without God, they would not even grow. God's enemies are trying to destroy them. Please pray that no one is able to come into any area of the rental apartment my dad paid for anymore without my permission. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

尋晚D污糟嘢又嚮我手腳度加蚊爛,仲要大大粒,今日又喺咁挍痛我個膝頭哥。 我奉主耶穌個名祈禱趕走咗佢啦! Last night those psycho attackers kept adding induced bug bites on my arms, fingers, and legs and toes, I told you head and shoulders knees and toes, this time itches everywhere! Today, it kept hurting my knee, again. I prayed and cast them away, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name.

尋晚D污糟嘢又嚮我手腳度加蚊爛,仲要大大粒,今日又喺咁挍痛我個膝頭哥。 我奉主耶穌個名祈禱趕走咗佢啦! Last night those psycho attackers kept adding induced bug bites on my arms, fingers, and legs and toes, I told you head and shoulders knees and toes, this time itches everywhere! Today, it kept hurting my knee, again. I prayed and cast them away, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name.


The psycho attackers put the pain back on my left wrist since the latest yesterday. It hurts when I press down on my palm. Please pray that God will remove the bump and the pain on my left wrist. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

隻死硯臭咖,死開啦! 又hack又偷,遙遠控制,我哋冇見成年幾喇,講唔夠十句說話呀! 唔好再扮有關係啦! 你有老婆嫁! 拉佢啦阿Sir,佢偷我資料又做成入滋擾呀! 順便拉埋個阿M啦,同埋偷我資料,放我入個Game,同理傷我身體,同埋偷我嘢破壞我嘢爆格嗰D人啦,唔該。七倍償還冇得走雞。

一個反叛期接近更年期嘅中年女人捱咗咁多年,唔想再捱喇! 唔知冇仔女冇老公享唔享到清福嘅呢?真喺冇陰功,已經無兒無女無工無老公,連啱啱夠買個木箱嘅棺材本都俾人偷,咁嚟害個阿婆,仲俾嗰D污糟嘢挍到又痕又痛冇撻好肉,連思想都要俾人監察控制,折墮囉! 唔知我D人權去曬邊呢?唔知我仲算唔算喺人呢? 唔洗舉頭三尺呀,周圍都有上帝睇住佢哋做衰嘢嫁! Boo Me! A middle aged woman who is still in the middle of rebellious period and closed to menopause. I don't want to suffer anymore, I've had enough. I'm just wondering if I can live a comfy life without children, husband nor income. The worse thing is the money just enough to buy my coffin is stolen, so if you see my dead body on the street, don't be surprised. Those psycho attackers even add to it and make me itchy and painful with bumpy spotty skin. They even monitor my thoughts and completely remove my human rights. Am I still a human being? I'm so confused. But God is watching, so I think I'll be alright eventually when I go to Heaven.

我今日俾D污糟嘢先整痛我喉嚨,再挍我個卵巢,我大聲鬧要佢哋走,個看更把聲話我嗌到拆天都冇用因為我平時對人唔好喎,嗰D所謂人除咗攞我着數之外一次都冇幫過我,嗰把看更聲可能唔識英文以為我向周圍D人求救,我只喺鬧走佢同向上帝祈禱,唔知就收嗲啦! 仲有呀,我臨出門口個看更把聲仲話千祈唔好,佢今次會好快翻嚟,唔知佢同D賊講呀抑或同爆格D人講呢?呢個看更我第一次見。呢次唔喺第一次我聽到佢哋喺我出門,喺屋企甚至喺街上通風報訊例如:佢準備出門口,佢帶咗I D,佢帶咗個xxx袋,咗去緊邊等等等等。 Today those psycho attackers first hurt my throat, then they hurt my ovary. So I yelled at them to cast them away,I also prayed to God to stop them. The security downstairs, I should say his voice said because I did not treat others well, that was why nobody cared even I screamed loudly. Those so called someone other than taking advantage of me, they never even helped me out once, maybe the security did not speak English and that was why he thought I screamed to ask the people around for help. I only yelled at the attackers and ask God to help, if he did not know anything he should have kept mouth shut. Also, the security voice said when I left the door,'do not do that, she's going to come back very soon this time.' Was he talking to the thieves or the burglars? This was the first time I saw this security. This was not the first time I heard something like that. I heard different people said,'she's getting ready to leave,' 'she brought her ID,' 'she got .....with her,' etc.etc.

Because some pest larvae and caterpillars gave my plants free trims, I gave them free flights so that they could fly once before they could become possible butterflies. I think their users better stop putting them on my plants, otherwise my plants and the plants in the whole district will be wiped out after the pest larvae become pest adults. 大蟲少葉 成蟲冇葉 害蟲罪孽 不能化碟 鋸蠅裝碟 毛蟲殺葉 死葉死碟 用者罪孽 放蟲我葉 塔上孖葉

I just found out since I came back to Hong Kong in 2018, at least 6000HKD in total plus my belongings were stolen and damaged by the gang stalkers/ thieves/ burglars. Please pray that our Heavenly Father will have whoever did that to return 7 folds of what they stole plus return the damaged goods 7 folds, brand new and with high qualities if not better because most of the stuff they damaged were brand new and with high qualities. Those were all blessings from God to me, the enemies got so jealous and tried to steal and destroy. Please also pray that Heavenly Father will protect me and everything He let me own so that no one is allowed to come into my living apartment without my permission and no one can hurt my body, steal from me or damage my stuff ever for the rest of my life, or else 7 folds have to be returned to me. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you. 所有偷我搶我破壞我-錢和東西的人嚴禁偷搶或破壞我或任何人的錢和東西,要償還給我7倍他們所奪去或破壞的,倍償要全新高質素跟原本物件一樣或更好,至於他們需否坐監,由警方決定。請跟真心信上帝跟從主耶稣從生得救的弟兄姊妹奉主耶穌之名為我祈禱。感激。

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 醒夢

Somebody broke into my rental place, damaged my bag by cutting pieces off, then they put a purple rusty thumbtack through the bag with white fabrics on and left dark brown stains on the fabrics. Please pray that nobody will come into my living place, steal from me nor damage my belongings anymore. Please also pray that the people who did that will have to return 7 folds of what they have stolen and damaged. The returned goods have to be brand new with good qualities and non-damaged. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you 真喺好似巫婆巫師落降頭咁,好陰毒。

Someone broke into my rental place, damaged my bag and stole 2 decorations from it. Please pray that God will make whoever did that to return 7 of the same bags if not prettier and better qualities with no damage to me. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name.

Induced worminess again on my plant today. Leaves were torn and stuck together by the worms' secretions.

我 I 愛 LOVE 祢 YOU: 好狗

The psychotronic attackers put pain on both sides of my wrist joints when I press down on my palms. They did that to my left side before. Please pray that God will heal me, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

This morning when it was still dark, those psychotronic attackers used 林海峰's voice to ask me something about will, maybe they were thinking that I was dying. I said,' I do not have anything to share with you, do you want a piece of lemon peel?' But then I thought I might be so hungry that I might have to eat up even the lemon peel. So I asked whether he wanted the dead skin on my feet, he did not respond. I guessed they were not satisfied with my offer, so I told them,' You should ask Bill Gates, 李嘉誠 or the boss of Amazon, how am I supposed to know anything about will? 'Also I told them,'You should also ask the Indian Billionaire on Forbes, he is also one of the richest person in the world, I heard that the house he is living is the most expensive house in the world. The housing is so expensive in Hong Kong, it will be very helpful if he is willing to offer a room for you to live. ' Then I asked him,'How's 彭羚 (林海峰's wife) doing? How's 彭羚's voice doing?' By the way, maybe the psychotronic attackers are trying to kill me, do you think so? Then I found out this morning that they put whole bunch of worms on my plant again to eat up the leaves, maybe they want to kill me and kill my plant as well just because it is convenient. Afterwards, the psycho attackers used Eminem's voice (they have been using his voice for 3 years) told me that the whole world was praying against me. I am wondering what did he mean by "the whole world"? Did he referred to the followers of satan, lucifer, anti-Christ? Were they praying to those devil? Were those not curses or witchcraft? So they acted like witches and wizards. Am I Snow White then? 今朝天未光啲電子精神攻擊者又有把好似林海峰嘅聲音問我啲遺產點喎,佢哋可能認為我就嚟死啦,我又冇咩分到俾佢,咁咪話分塊檸檬皮問佢要唔要囉,然後諗吓可能我到時會饑餓到檸檬皮都食埋,於是我又問分塊腳皮你要唔要呀,佢又唔出聲,咁即喺唔滿意啦,我未叫佢遺產嘅嘢你問Bill Gates啦,或者問李嘉誠啦,Amazon 個老闆都得咖,遺產嘅嘢我點知咁多炙,仲有個印度富豪喺 Forbes 嗰度揾到,都喺全世界最有錢嘅人嚟㗎,佢住嗰間屋聽講喺全世界最貴咖,香港啲樓咁貴,叫佢分間房嚟住吓都好吖。跟住我又問佢阿彭羚幾好嘛? 跟住我又問佢阿彭羚把聲幾好嘛?。。。話時話,唔知佢哋喺咪想殺死我呢?仲有呀,今朝又發現佢哋加咗成咋蟲響我棵植物度咬爛啲葉,可能想殺死我順便殺埋我啲植物啦,跟住又有把好似Eminem(三年嚟都用緊佢把聲)嘅聲用英文同我講話全世界都祈禱同我作對喎,唔知佢所謂全世界喺咪撒旦Lucifer敵基督嘅跟隨者呢?佢哋唔知喺咪向魔鬼祈禱呢?咁咪即喺咀咒?乜咁似巫婆巫師嘅,咁我喺咪白雪公主呀?

Yesterday, someone broke a branch with leaves off my plant and they put some white unknown stuff on my plant. I also found some new worms on them as well. They put holes on my fruits, one hole per fruit.

以下是我寫給朋友電郵的部份內容: 我最近常常給人爆格,偷錢偷東西破壞,兩年來都有同樣事情發生,近期更為嚴重,植物給人放蟲毀壞,應該是大廈裡面的人做的,這是為甚麼我不能隨便離開屋企嘅原因,鄰居或鄰居帶嚟嘅朋友騷擾同恐嚇放曱甴,還想誣衊我,我從來都不跟他們打交道,從開始到現在已經損失4000HKD同過千元財物,他們已經殺死了我四盆植物,仍然繼續放蟲,令植物破破爛爛,昨天還見到有油漆似的東西在植物上,我大廈裡的人甚至任何人惡意破壞偷竊,我原本是想來的,不過情形惡劣,我才有猶疑,已經報警,但還未有查出何人做的。謝謝諒解。

The psycho attackers put scratches on my left thigh, left sheen and right forearm yesterday. And they have been making me urinate involuntarily since last night, it has been several times already. Please pray that God will stop them, in Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.

Please ask God to remove the pests and their eggs (if there is any) on my plants and please ask God to protect the plants so that no one and nothing can introduce new pests nor damage to my plants anymore (yesterday I found some paint like substance on the plant). Please also pray that all of my plants that God has given me can grow strongly and healthily. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name. Thank you.